Hackathon Multiple Sclerosis - Our Common Challenge
to help people with multiple sclerosis and their caretakers.
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Different factors in multiple sclerosis
Diverse symptoms and disease progression
Be part of the solution for the future of our patients.
Support for patients with MS
- An application for monitoring symptoms and managing treatment.
- Design of devices that improve mobility and independence for patients.
- Smart household gadgets that simplify daily tasks.
Support for parents and caregivers of patients
- Platform for connecting parents and exchanging experiences
- App for organizing caregiving and tracking progress.
- Educational programs to increase awareness about MS.
A municipality that is supportive and accommodating to patients with MS
- Integration of accessible pathways and points in city infrastructure.
- An app for finding accessible locations in the municipality.
- Campaigns for awareness and community inclusion.
What solutions do we expect?
Excellent and innovative, of course! 😊 We are seeking creative solutions for people with multiple sclerosis and their caretakers that will bring added value, be easy to use, and widely accessible. Your solutions can help patients and their caretakers better manage the disease and enable them to lead better and higher quality lives.
Your idea could be a concept, technical design, business plan, action plan, or market research. It could be an application, a physical product, or detailed research supported by data to substantiate your claims and demonstrate the value of your work. Anything that can improve understanding, responsiveness, and support for people with MS and their caretakers is welcome.
What is your reward for your work?
3.000€ neto
Join us at the Multiple Sclerosis Hackathon – Our Common Challenge and be part of the solution that can change many lives – even in your community! Apply now and co-create the future!
October 4 and 5, 2024
Copyright © 2024 Multiple Sclerosis – Roche Hackathon.
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